We have been dating for 6 months and are getting pretty serious. I told him not having a job is a red flag for me pretty early on. I have a full time job with 10 hour shifts and don’t expect him to be full time while he is in school.

But he quit his previous job before trying to find another job. I did not like that but it was Christmas you know? So I let it slide at first. And now I feel he doesn’t take me seriously when I tell him to get a job. I told him I can help him and that I don’t care what job it is. Having a job is better than not having one.

He keeps telling me he is busy and I don’t see how when his school is online and he still lives with his parents(so do I so no judgement there). He also says that just no jobs have gotten back to him, but after a month?

He also doesn’t have money left to pay for dates or gas (we live 30 minutes apart), and at first I was fine with paying for us because he said it would only be for a bit. But now I’ve been paying for him for a month and feel used.

What should I do because I don’t want to break up but I’m not being taken seriously?

**TL;DR** My boyfriend hasn’t had a job for a month, has no more money, and reflects questions about jobs.

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