Hey 23m(me) and 21(her) known each other for 2 years, I met her at my workplace. At beginning she was super annoying and I didn’t look at her romantically and things was going well. I used to go to her home and cuddle with her, play fight, massage her with her shirt up etc. As time went on, I suddenly started catching feelings for her so I decided to go and ask her out but she rejected me. I took it on the chin and told her that’s fine, your choice but she still wanted to be friends which to that I said okay. It’s been a week now and the pain is slowly starting to settle it, I’m literally holding in my tears while typing this. I don’t know what to do, should I just ignore her or keep her in my life. Also the annoying thing is we work together so I can’t avoid her, what should I do guys?

tl:dr I got friendzoned and I don’t know what to do. Please read the whole thing before replying, it’s not much. Thank you

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