Hello boys. Today I am in need of a lot of money and fast. I want to do the dangerous work. So, I’ve come here to see who tops the list for most dangerous job(s).out there.

My life is boring and predictable. It gets monotonous and meaningless by each passing day, and for little pay.

I’m not necessarily gonna give a sob story, but I’ll just relay info as to why I have made up my mind about all of this.

I want to risk it for the biscuit. Jobs that nobody takes because they have something to lose and everything to gain. I will do whatever it takes to learn, do the job right, and work hard for a better cash flow.

My new plateau is money and starting anew someplace else. I don’t like where I am in every way you can think of, I guess.

I work out semi regularly. I was 330 lbs in 2022, now I’m down to about 220. I’m fine with routine. Uhhh any more questions…? Story of me in the comments.

Anyways, help me out with some job suggestions. I wanna get outta here. Military seems like a good bet, but don’t I need to have a better BMI? (5’11 220-230 lbs)

Anything obscure, anything well paying, anything I’m not thinking of? (Looked into oil rig work a bit and IDK if it’s for me.) Gimme a shout!

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