Hello! Fellow female here, I just had this idea on a whim, how do y’all swim?

  1. I’ve seen ladies at the beach (in Australia) with these really awesome swimmers with built in head covers. Like an all-in-one suit. Asides from the modesty / religion aspect, fantastic for sun safety.

  2. I’m not a woman but you can purchase specialty ones made for swimming. When I was in Turkey many of the Muslim women used a special one for swimming.

  3. I own a burkini, where the headpiece is attached to the neck of the shirt (or dress you could say, for modesty purposes) and it came with a set of loose fitting pants to match with it.

    My only problem with it is that, it may cover my hair and neck, but you could still see the outline of my chest (I got fairly large breasts); we’re supposed to cover up so that nothing but our hands and faces could be shown, but some split rulings say that we could also show our feet (I go by it), so tight-fitting clothes don’t cut it because you could technically still see the rest of the body.

    I recently saved a more appropriate one to my wish-list when browsing online, and by God’s will, I’ll buy it when I have enough money to purchase it 🙂

  4. Hi 🙂

    I hadn’t swam in years because burkinis are not really accepted in my country. But last summer I went to an isolated lake with a (female) friend, and I swam with a sport tee-shirt and very light pants

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