My husband refuses to talk to me after I said I won’t be coming back to live with him at his parents house. Last weekend HE is the one who kicked me out after he tried attacking me physically because I said I’m sick of him and his family’s shit. I’m done living in a small bedroom with him and our 3 kids. I’m done barley being able to use the bathroom because someone is always in there so I have to hold it which resulted in me sometimes barley eating or drinking so I could try and prevent myself from having to use the bathroom so much and I also ended up only being able to shower twice a week over there because of so many people living there. That’s not all though, his dad is a drunk and his mom is constantly talking bad about me to my husband and his siblings and even texts me horrible things and my husband never defends me. It’s so bad his siblings give me dirty looks and touch all the food of mine I buy because their mom tells them to do it. I’ve been very uncomfortable there but my husband is trying to play victim. He promised to provide for the kids and I and ended up losing the house, car, everything last year so that’s why we had to move to his parents and when we moved there he promised he’d do better, hold a job, and this wouldn’t be long term, we’d get a new place and car and be fine but it hasn’t been the case. He blows his paycheck before the next one arrives and I’m just feeling so done.I have nothing. No car.. No job. You get it. I’ve been a stay at home mom for awhile. I don’t have anywhere to take my kids and I keep calling shelters and they’re all full so I asked my husband to help me out at least with our kids and he hasn’t been answering because I won’t give him his way. I asked if he could pay for a hotel for the kids and I to stay in or something until I get stuff more together and like I said, he won’t talk to me and has our kids.. He talked to me nicely 2 days ago when he thought I was coming home but when I told him no, not happening anymore, he stopped being nice, cussed me out yesterday, and I haven’t heard from him since. I don’t know what to do. I feel stressed, anxious, depressed, all of that. When he was talking to me he kept yelling saying he needs to work and his mom and siblings can’t keep watching the kids (I don’t want them to anyways) and I told him I get that and I wanted to take them with me when I left when he kicked me out but I couldn’t because I go from couch to couch and this is why I keep asking him to help me figure something out so I can take care of our kids and not have to go back to that Hell hole. I don’t even know if I’m right or wrong anymore. Do I go back and suffer more for the kids? What do I do at this point:(

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