I’m not sure if this post fits well in this sub, but it’s the closest I could find.
The position I’m currently in is quite sticky.

To clear a couple of things up before going into greater detail.
I am 22 years old, a little over a year ago my relationship of 4 years ended, it was my second “serious” relationship and it was extremely toxic, verbal, emotional, physical abuse, daily fighting and everything in between.
I had a few flings after the breakup, and started dating after about 7-8 months, I went out with a fair amount of women, who were all great people who I got along with well, however I never felt any real connection so nothing came of it.
After countless dates I decided to stop searching for a relationship.

Recently I (22M) went on vacation and during it I met a wonderful women (F21) who I quickly developed feelings for.
It may come off strange, but since my breakup I have had a vision of meeting someone and having it play out like something from a romance movie.
As mentioned, during my vacation I was not searching for women, at least nothing serious, so this came as a surprise.

Often times I don’t approach women I see in public or spark up conversations with people I walk by, but she was working at a drive-thru I was ordering food from and I was stunned by how beautiful she was and asked for her number.
After that we hit it off instantly, I picked her up a couple days later and went on a spontaneous late night date.
I know all too well that visions don’t usually play out as we picture them, but this one did down to a T.
I was on vacation in a beautiful city, late at night driving through the hills with her. We talked for hours, she showed me different spots around the city, had amazing food and ended the night on a completely empty Venice beach, watching the waves crash onto the shore, laughing and kissing at 3am on a clear night. It felt like I was in a dream.

After our date we stayed in touch, constantly texting/calling. Getting into many deep conversations and so on. I asked probably too many questions, and from what I know and see is someone I could imagine marrying. I’ve pictured everything I want in a future wife a long time ago and even with the unrealistic standards, she meets all of them.

I’m not sure if I’m seeing clearly, that’s why I’m asking for your advice on this. What I can say is that I have never felt this way for anybody before, I thought that I would marry my ex and yet never felt anywhere near this way for her before and we had a very crazy story.
In fact, since I met her I haven’t missed nor thought about my ex which is something I’ve had a terrible time trying to accomplish for the last year. Even despite dating other women.
I don’t believe this women is my “rebound” since I have been single for so long, have dated a lot and done a lot of self work, I didn’t go looking for her, it’s as if she was put in front of me, but I’m not sure how to feel.

This is where things get sticky, we live in two different countries and stay 2,000 kilometres away from each other.
We talked about this, and both agreed that we want to do everything in our power to make it work one way or another since we both feel the same. Obviously at this stage moving or doing anything of the such is a far too dramatic, so we are planning for me to fly out again in little over a month and stay with her for a week. This will mean another vacation, more time off of work and close to $3,000.
All of this is still very fresh, but I am over the moon happy and feel like I am not seeing straight as I usually don’t feel this much excitement for anything. Despite us meeting recently, I have missed her since I last saw her.

So I guess my questions are,
what would you do in my situation?
Does anybody have a similar experience?
Is the distance too far to have anything come of this?
Do I pursue this and if so, how?
Thanks for any feedback 🙂

TLDR: I fell for a beautiful women who feels the same towards me, I met her on a vacation and we live in different countries. I have had many relationships and have never felt such an intense connection, should I pursue this? And how?

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