My husband (25M) and myself (24F) had a huge fight this morning about stupid things – dishes, groceries etc. I am working full time, he is not working at all, and studying one subject at uni currently. I feel like I am doing everything around the house, and although he offers he takes a long time to follow through. Admittedly, I’ve been grouchy recently due to exhaustion and have been snappy towards him.

Today, we had a similar argument. I did not name call, stated he always said he’d do things and I ended up doing things – again, I am perhaps not patient enough to wait for him to follow through, but he always leaves things to the last minute meaning I don’t have enough food for work etc.

This fight was different though. He yelled at me and then told me he hated me. He has never said that before. No one has said they hate me before. Only my own husband now. I don’t know what to do. I’m at the gym and will be heading to work soon, I messaged him and told him it was a low blow but I’m simply at a loss.

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