but shes amazing. is it worth it? shall i risk it for the biscuit?

we’re both currently in university, im a sophomore (18M), she’s a senior (22F). working a chill part-time job between summers (summer internships pay more). well we’ve been coworkers and friends since the beginning, in fact she was the first girl i saw on campus. i started school a bit early (at 16), so we were just friends at the beginning of course and i talked to her every once in a while and we hung out at group stuff with all of our friends / coworkers and stuff. i really started to be attracted to her at the end of my being 17, and made an effort to hang out with her more even if it was with other people.

anyway, since i turned 18 i tried to hang out with her a bit more and wow she’s so attractive. her smile is the best. i have spent time 1:1 with her twice now and i’ve felt more happy with her than with anyone else.

first time, she asked if i had seen some sort of creepy house on our campus, i told her i hadn’t and if she’d want to take a look at it with me after my shift ended and she was like sure (stayed after her shift, played online games with me to pass the time), we went over there and talked for a long time. we picked oranges from a nearby grove and then walked for a while more just talking. at the very end of this instance, i screwed up! i shook her hand as i departed! i really should have just asked her out there.

second and last time, i asked her if she wanted to join me for the gym to do legs (this is actually normal for us since we’re friends/gym buddies too), after this we got dinner and she wasn’t hungry and refused me buying her food (she said she just ate, which she did right before we went to the gym so valid) but we talked for a bit there while she ate a banana i offered to her. then we went for a walk just so i could spend more time talking with her. finally, she was waiting to be picked up by her brother to go home for the weekend (her car was at her house) so i asked if she wanted to go to the basketball game and so we went, she smiled and it was so attractive and we were sitting right next to each other too, just talking through a lot of the game but she was smiling all along.

i am very prone to read false signs, but also very bad at friendzoning myself (not making moves fast enough)! she gave me a secret: i know the exact type of chocolate she likes and valentines day is coming up (i will probably ask her earlier than that though). she told me but i forget why but at least now i know that simple fact which will mean perhaps a little more.

please tell me if i am setting myself up for failure, since my work “family” is so tight-knit it would definitely cause some disruption if i were to be rejected. should i perhaps approach this more candidly than an outright date? she also warned me that she wanted to be told BEFOREHAND if it was meant to be a date, so that’s why i refer to these as “instances”. thank you!

edit: the part-time job is a university job so she would be gone after this semester. she’s going for a grad school near here but between now and then, a gap year!

edit2: i cannot drive but i am actively working towards a license/full purchase on a car which i have talked about around her before and she def knows

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