With my husband for 12 years now, married for 8 years. For the first time he went soft while having sex. He claims it was because he doesn’t want to hurt me or the baby, I’m currently pregnant with baby #2. What I’m confused about is when I was pregnant with our first he had no issues having sex….so I have a very hard time believing him when he said this. This all happened in early December 2023.

Fast forward, we’ve had sex a couple of times since then and the ONLY time he stayed hard was before I gave him a bj.

All the other times, he didn’t go completely soft but still was able to finish.

If it was ED or stress related, regardless of a bj that shouldn’t matter? I was surprised he stayed hard after the bj. I also noticed after I gave him the bj that one time, he doesn’t want me to do it again? Then a second thing I noticed is that, after he finishes (with or without a bj), he’s still hard for a good 5-10 mins after.

I’m a bit confused if this is ED, stress related or something else? He claims he isn’t cheating or watching porn or even masturbating.

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