Hello Sexxit,

I’m a 25 year old man who found out a year ago I have genital warts. This was after hooking up with a someone I went to college with and saw again through mutual friends. I had asked about her STI status and she had assured me she was clean. I hate myself for trusting her.

Anyway, that whole instance is not what has been troubling me. What I really seem to be struggling with is almost a massive sense of FOMO/failure in my sexual history. I was a guy who struggled to get laid most of his life and never got a serious relationship despite wanting one for the past 8 years. I don’t know whether it is my confidence, looks, height, or if I just flat out give off small dick energy, but whatever the case may be I feel like I could never get and keep a woman.

This then all culminates in me catching an incurable std that my doctors can’t give me enough info to assure me of anything (believe me I’ve done all the research to be done and the commonality/statistics of HPV do absolutely nothing to calm me down). I feel like an absolute dating/sexual failure and who is now destined to remain one forever because of this.

I’m already in therapy as it is so you don’t have to tell me to do that.

I guess what I want to ask the community is does anybody else feel like a complete failure when it comes to sex? and also if you have genital warts what has your experience been dating? I’ve been on r/HPV a million times and thought I’d come here for a different perspective.

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