I started dating this girl in college 3 months ago. Early on despite liking her I showed no interest, and she was the one who made her intentions about me clear. After a month I opened up and we eventually got together. However she asked that our relationship remain a secret in school, so she could feel relaxed about drama.

However this whole time there was another boy in the picture, and from the beggining I felt as if I had to compete with the guy. She expressed to me that he was just her best friend and that they really vibed. And it seems she had no problem acting like she was dating this guy.

Throughout our relationship her behavior with this guy always made me uncomfortable. They always sat next to each other in all the classes, car rides, and shared their lunch and cigarettes.

There were days right after our dates where Id see them constantly leaning heads on each other, and sharing the same taxi to their different homes. When I expressed my concerns to her, she acted ignorant. She also never dedicated spending normal time with me to hang out, despite me asking her to do so. Most of our time together was spent with her intitiating sexual intimacy.

I decided to break it off with her, as she was not providing for my emotional needs and only wanted sexual dates, while she admitted to going out with her so called male best friend plenty of times. Once I told her all my problems she said the guy is very “Dear” to him and insisted that he is just a friend who has her back and vibes. She then told me that her and I didn’t actually go into a relationship, which shocked me after both of us expressing interest and lots of intimacy and trust together.

I still have feelings for this girl but decided to end it and move on, as I figured Im not as important to her, or she is setting the stage for cheating. But since the breakup a month ago the girl has constantly been reaching out and expressing her needs to me, all the while calling our relationship “Sick and Wrong”. Ive started to question everything I had with her, and wether she ever mutually loved me, or if it was just for her personal needs, as according to her I was very good at fulfilling her emotional and sexual needs. I felt the relationship had to end, cause I was watching her treat another guy the way I wanted to be adored and cared for by her.

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