My husband and I have been married for a year. Recently I’ve started to notice these weird things.

Firstly, he urged me to stop taking the pill. I had mentioned that I didn’t really like it (hormones and stuff) and I’ve been taking it since I was 16 so I hadn’t tried anything else. Still overall it was a good and reliable way to not get pregnant. He urged me that I should try something else to give my body a break from hormones. He knows I’m medically-anxious person though, so I know he knew I’d never get an IUD. I went to the dr and decided on the diaphragm.

Obviously with the diaphragm I have to use spermicide. Some of them you have to put it in 2 hours before some are 3 it just depends. But you have to leave the diaphragm in for six hours after. Well I was using a spermicide that can be put in 3 hours before. We were using it for about a month. Then, I noticed that the package wasn’t really getting empty. As in, I hadn’t had to get more recently. I took a pic of the tube just to compare, just because something told me to. I cut a tiny piece of the corner of the tube off. A week later, I compared pics and realized they were different tubes. My husband had replaced them. More than that, I googled it and realized that this particular spermicide (I have no idea how I didn’t realize they were different brands, they were the same colors) was only to be inserted TWO hours prior. Meaning it had been useless pretty much every time I used it.

I was so weirded out and shaken up so I told my husband I was going to stop using the diaphragm and I just wanted to use condoms. He said okay. Well today while he was at work, I went and looked at them. I opened three of them and inspected them. 2/3 of them had tiny pin pricked holes in them.

So basically, I’m more than certain my husband is tampering with my bc. To try and get me pregnant, I guess. I have no idea why. How am I supposed to handle this? Why is he even doing this?

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