Tldr:I want to break up with my girlfriend but I don’t see her enough to do it in person and I don’t want to go to her house because her parents don’t like me.

So I M(19) want to break up with my girlfriend F(18) and I don’t know how. We’ve been dating for about 10 months now and I only see her once maybe 2x a month (not the reason for the breakup just a factor that makes this difficult). I don’t know if I’m like actually able to meet her in person to do it. I can’t go to her home because her parents would NOT appreciate that seeing that we’ve been together for this long and they still haven’t invited me into their home once. And I really wouldn’t be able to do it anywhere else seeing that I’m not in high-school anymore and she is (not that I would do it then either). I thought about meeting her at maybe a gas station or a restaurant but that feels disrespectful to be honest. The best solution I’ve came up with is to do it on face time that way I’m still saying what I need to say face to face but I don’t have to deal with furious parents or her having to drive her self home from a gas station dumping. Any advice would be appreciated!

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