I have no clue. Ive been like begging and praying to some mighty force to just like smite me to get me out of this situation. I have the most perfect boyfriend in the entire world. He is so sweet, kind, compassionate, loving, handsome, and just wonderful. He’s just amazing. I know he loves me so much and would do anything for me, and he so truly is the man little me dreamt of having and finding. And i have him! Our humor is perfect, he can read me like a book, and he just is amazing.

The only issue is sometimes he can be quite emotionally immature in some ways, and its really slight, but it just irks me a lot because I feel like a parent. But that’s not even the crux of it all. I feel like I just dont know what to do. Ive been in relationships since I was 14, and Im at a point in my life where Im kind of developing an insatiable urge to explore and find out who I am outside of a relationship. I dont really know myself unattached to another person. Everyone in my life is telling me to leave him, but I’m so incredibly torn up. We’ve already split up (for like 10 minutes) twice because of this exact issue throughout our relationship. I’m at such a loss. I dont wanna lose the perfect boy, but I also fee like im kind of losing myself a little. Help me world 🙁

TLDR; Should I stay with my bf and choose him and the definitive life of happiness I could have, but maybe have the constant question in my head all the time of what life would be like on my own… or take the leap and choose a life of being on my own?

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