Dont get me wrong I would love to have a Girlfriend, someone who I spend my spare time with, visit new places, go out and see new sights, someone to talk to about any issues we are having, someone who will be my best friend at the same time. It all is wonderful and I would love to have this and I’m sure alot of women are looking for this too but the thing is I’m not pushing it.

Whilst I would love to have a Partner, I cant lie I’m really comfortable and happy being single. I’ve built a really cool and fun life I’m super happy with and maybe that a little of an issue because I’m so comfortable being single and I’ve never had a Relationship despite being ‘Super Hot’ (not much words, words of women ive spoken too) I may find it difficult to get a relationship because it could mean losing some time to do the other things I really enjoy.

If I’m being honest when im out an about and I maybe see a couple my age (24) and they look happy and are just chatting, kissing or hanging out, I smile because I’m happy for them but it can sting a little from time to time, but I chose the path I’m on and nobody forced me to be single.

So whilst I’m content with being single and enjoy it, I’m not sure when this will change or maybe I’ll need to get out of my comfort bubble I’ve built in order to start a relationship. Truthfully it does scare me but is something I do want to embrace in the near future and add a Partner to my life I’ve built and start to build/have those experiences mentioned at the top.

Anybody else feel like this, would be interesting to hear both Male and Female views of this?

  1. I’d prefer to be single rather than in a wrong relationship. So yeah I get your point here.

  2. >I’m not sure when this will change or maybe I’ll need to get out of my comfort bubble I’ve built in order to start a relationship. Truthfully it does scare me but is something I do want to embrace in the near future

    I couldny have said it better myself, this is something i generally wonder…

  3. Haven’t been in a date or sex for five years.

    Accepted because I’m in a place where I’m not able to find dates casually and still young. But I don’t want to live alone in my 40 +yo, so I know that what I’m doing right now (I’m 31m) will affect my life in 40s + same as working out or eating healthy, which is why I seek to find a relationship to build on it

  4. Yes and no. I am definitely ok with being single if it means I don’t have to be with a woman like my ex but I still crave a relationship. Human desires aren’t easily ignored.

  5. I’m also 24M My god I absolutely agree with you I freaking love being single it’s great . I can do whatever I want within reason

    Spend as much money as I want on Lego Hardware etc without anyone caring

    Stay out as late as I choose to without bring told to come home by a significant other. Eat what I like it’s much easier cooking for yourself rather than two people.

    Have my place as clean or as messy as I like . It’s also way easier to organise things . I have everything setup how I like without having to worry about anyone else .

    Sure I get lonely sometimes sure it would be nice to be in a relationship but honestly I am in no hurry I also find the idea scary .

    But I would much rather be single and lonely some of the time rather than be stuck in a abusive relationship or stresses out like so many people who post on [r/dating]( seem to be .

  6. My mom and my friends are more bothered than I am: ‘you seem really content and unbothered being single especially at your age’ oh, I should be a crying mess because in order to be happy, you have to have a partner?

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