No this would not have normally been a problem for me, however, this wasn’t just a sneaky link for 2 months. This girl wanted to be his girlfriend and he shut it down. Then he met me, someone he actually wanted to put the title on with, and so he ended things with her. They hadn’t been in contact for a week before that, but when he sent the classic ending “hey i don’t think we should be talking anymore” she sent a reply, and since she got no response from him, she double texted a paragraph 30 minutes later. Even my boyfriend said “I was not expecting a paragraph from her”. That’s that. But then, on his spam account, he posted a shirtless gym picture and she commented “Your lighting is horrible”. No she has not commented on any of his posts ever. Only that one. And yes she knows he is dating a new girl. I have been posted on his spam, no she didn’t like the post with me in it. If my boyfriend had just left the comment as it is. I would’ve been fine. But he hearted the comment and replied back right away with “I’m not about to bring lights to the gym💀”. This was 3 weeks ago, a little over a week of us being official. After a days worth of convincing him, he not-happily, removed and unfollowed from his spam account. But he said “I’m not going to unfollow her main, her spam (only 12 followers), or her art account (because he wants to keep up with her art and career, I’m a tattoo artist). Which at the time I was fine with. However, over 3 weeks after the comment she made and him removing her, she requested to follow his spam account again. He sent me a screenshot asking my thoughts on it, told me she had a new boyfriend so she for sure doesn’t have feelings for him anymore. I told him to not accept her, and he said he wants to. I asked him, if I told you to cut complete contact with her (and it’s a dealbreaker for me) would you break up with me? And he replied Yes. What should I do? I’ve already brought this issue up 4 separate times. And he has told me in previous relationships that he’s been clueless about girl’s intentions with him before.
Is he a lost cause? Or should I bring it up one more time.

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