My boyfriend are 5 1/2 years recently got laid off and found a job two hours away by his family‘s ranch house. I stayed behind before picking up and leaving to make sure this job is sustainable for us. He comes home on Saturday evening and leaves Sunday evening to see me and our one-year-old. Sometimes he doesn’t come home though. When he is out there, he’s not very good at communicating. I don’t need much. Just a text here and there during the day to make sure he’s OK.

This past weekend I did not hear from him for two days From Friday evening until he called me tonight which is Sunday evening.
I say hello, he says what’s up. I say what’s up? I haven’t heard from you in two days. I was worried and you didn’t even bother to text or call after all the texts I sent you. he says I’ll do better and changes the subject to my eye. I’m dealing with shingles while taking care of our one-year-old by myself. I switched back and said that it’s not OK that I did not hear from him for two entire days. He said that his friend and his friends kids came to hunt and hang out at the ranch. so he has Service to call his friend to come but can’t send me a five second text?
I’m just at my wits end and don’t know if I can do this anymore. I was crying and upset and he said he was not going to be yelled at on a Sunday night. I said I was done and he said ok fine hung up on me.
Idk what to do?? I know I deserve better.

TD;LR: BF 37/M works and lives 2 hours away and doesn’t prioritize me (32/F) and our daughter (1/F)

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