Tl;dr not sure if this girl likes me or just being friendly, craving attention

Is she into me, or just being a friend?

So, met a girl about 6 months ago at a new job I started. She is 18, has a boyfriend of about 3 months, shes the office junior (UK by the way, before you all get on at me). I’m 33, normally wouldn’t bother with a girl that age. I’m generally into girls around my age. But I’m a little confused with this one

We get on at work, as anyone would with a colleague, but we went on our works Christmas party and we got chatting more and afterwards she started messaging me more. At first it was just general chat, started getting to know each other, she eventually opened up more and told me about one of her family members who was ill and how she struggled with a bit of depression, at first I was just being nice and offering support, trying to cheer her up, she told me stuff that her boyfriend didnt even know, well so she says, then we found out we had a lot in common, especially music, for her age she’s into really good music. Things got a little flirty, she’d send me pics of her new hair, or outfits she was wearing and stuff. No nudes or anything, but then she starts talking about sex stuff, not a lot, just hinting at things, like she hates using condoms, once telling me she had back pain but describing these positions she had to sit in to stop it, very suggestive positions. She started telling me how she’s into older guys, dreams about sex and stuff. Not with me just in general. We talked every day without fail, even when I wasn’t in the office, all night, until early morning. And we got quite friendly, talking about some serious stuff, like her depression, things I had going on etc. Stuff you only really talk about with someone you feel close enough to. Still with the odd flirty bit in it.

One day she sent me one of her playlists from Spotify, but it was made that day, all the songs added that day, and it was private and a lot of the songs were about love, being conflicted, not having someone they want, she highlighted some of the lyrics about certain things, being in love with two people etc. Hard to explain but songs that seem to be about sending a message.

I started to like her a bit. Which I realise is weird, age difference and all so I kind of stopped talking as much, to the point where we don’t speak as often anymore but whenever i see her in the office, shes still very flirty, smiley, we talk still but just not as much in the evenings anymore.

However, I can’t stop thinking about her now I’ve stopped messaging, but I’m unsure whether I’m thinking in to it too much, or if it was just someone who felt comfortable enough to talk to me about anything, and I misread it. I wonder if it was just the attention she liked, having someone worry about her mental health, say she is beautiful when she keeps putting herself down and saying she’s ugly and stuff. (She isn’t, looks older than 18, very pretty)

I stopped myself because it could never be anything, the age difference is too much, I’d feel guilty about doing anything, I do even for just flirting back. I feel its wrong anyway so even though i want to, I don’t message her anymore at all.

What do you think, is she hinting, or am I misreading everything

  1. Let me take the points one at a time here:

    1. The age difference: She’s an adult, she can make her own choices. It’s up to you whether or not you feel comfortable.
    2. She is obviously flirting with you and trying to get your attention for whatever reason. You give her a hell of a lot of attention for some who’s just a friend, so you probably need to dial that back to find out if she is milking you for validation or if she actually wants to date.
    3. She’s messaging you like this while she has a boyfriend. She is a not now, nor will she ever be, a serious dating prospect.

    Your time is valuable. I wouldn’t entertain messaging someone that wasn’t a serious relationship candidate that much.

  2. She’s 18 and you’re 33? Yikes. You made the right choice to distance yourself and stay away from her.

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