Ladies, how would you react to your male friend kissing your forehead?

  1. Much, much, much too intimate a gesture, unless maybe they’d just pulled me from a burning vehicle or something. Even then, it might be iffy.

  2. If it was someone close to me, not a big deal. I’d just tell him that I don’t want to be kissed by friends and tell him not to do it again. Gender also has nothing to do with it, I’d get equally uncomfortable if a female friend gave me a peck on the forehead or cheek.

    If it wasn’t someone close to me, I’d make sure he knew just how inappropriate and weird he’s being, and keep my distance to him from then on. Not going to bother with anyone who doesn’t understand/care for social norms and boundaries.

  3. Might be the odd one out here but I wouldn’t mind. I have a friend that will kiss my hand or forehead sometimes. There are 0 romantic feelings involved. It’s sweet. Makes me feel cared for.

  4. If they’re a close friend I don’t mind

    If they’re a normal friend or someone I met not long ago I would be freaked out and tell them NEVER to do that shit again.

  5. I’d love it. To me it’s a loving gesture, but there’s no romance to it. Just affection.

  6. Even from my closest male friends (there’s like 3 of those lol), it’d be real fucking weird. Mainly because that’s not really a thing people do where I live.

  7. I have friends this would feel normal and natural with, and friends with whom this would be super weird and uncomfortable. That doesn’t break along gender lines.

  8. Depends on the context, but if we are not at that previously established consensual casual physical affection contact level of friendship, I will be uncomfortable and distance myself from him after he does so. I may be uncomfortable enough to avoid him entirely after that depending on context.

    I would consider it crossing a boundary for anyone but those closest to me, and it would be an extremely rarely acceptable action for anyone other than my partner or parents/grandparents to do.

  9. Cute for any of my close guy friends. Homies should kiss their homies on the forehead more.

  10. If it’s my friend from high school probably, ‘weird but okay?’ I mean like we are not touchy feely but we’ve been through stuff and I trust him so I wouldn’t go all defensive… it’ll be like ‘huh, what was that for?’

  11. Really depends on the context/our relationship. I’m more touchy-feely with some friends than others.

  12. My best friend does it all the times, it depends how you interpret it and what kind of relation you have with him. For me hugging and kissing on the cheek (and forehead) is not the big deal so I don’t mind too much.

    It’s a cute display of affection and don’t see too much into it bit that’s me, he’s also never crossed the line so we’re fine like that

  13. I would ask them why the f*&k did they just do that and to never, ever, do that again. Likely it would put a lot of distance in our friendship, if not end it. I can’t even imagine one of my male friends doing that.

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