What does your dating app bio say?

  1. they call me sugartits, but not because I sugarcoat things 🤭
    Purely for hookups, obviously.

  2. On my tinder:

    I suck at replying, just ask for my snap or Instagram.

    -*school experience*
    -*social causes I’m passionate about*
    -*personality traits*

  3. Literature fan seeks another literature fan or a scientist who’s ready to explain their world to me (roughly translated)

  4. “Not to brag too much, but I have a 5-star island rating in Animal Crossing.”

  5. I included in my eHarmony profile that I want to adopt my kids and I am not open to having biological children. It was shocking how many guys still went out with me then were *surprised Pikachu* when I was like “So I wanted to double check you were okay with adoption”. (Yes, I usually brought it up towards the end of the first date. I wasn’t interested in casual dating and I had made the mistake of going out with guys for several weeks to only have them say this was a deal breaker.)

    “What, like no kids of your own?”

    “They’ll be my children, just not biologically my children.”

    “You sure you don’t want to have a baby yourself?”


    “But you’d miss out on pregnancy.”

    “I’d rather keep living.”

    My now husband responded, “that’s great! I was adopted and would love to adopt.” We’ll have our 7th anniversary this summer and have a beautiful daughter. And, yes, she looks nothing like us.

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