I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 months now. He’s someone I’ve known got a while and I’ve always had a crush on him. Anyway, I was excited when he started talking to me and asked me out. I never really noticed his hygiene issues until we got together. I’m not exactly a germiphobe but I do have high hygiene standards. I made that clear before we even got together. I told him bad hygiene was my biggest turn off and grossed me out greatly. I’ve started noticing he doesn’t wipe properly. I never noticed he has a bad odor to him until he’s been sitting on the couch for a while and stands up. My couch is very expensive and it grosses me out so much. He constantly gets pee on the floor or leaves poop on the toilet seat. Ive told him I’m not upset that it happens, he just needs to clean up after himself. But he still doesn’t see it as an issue. I’ve also never seen him wash his hands and it scares me he’s getting poop on his hands and not washing it off. I’ve also noticed he doesn’t change his boxers or pants everyday. Another thing is I’ve always noticed his breath smells horrible. I’ve kind of put it off as maybe he doesn’t brush when he stays with me because he doesn’t have a tooth brush here. He has a large amount of tarter and bad gum infections. I asked him about it and he said he hasn’t brushed his teeth in YEARS! And that he doesn’t have a gum infection it is from his teeth moving from having braces. I told him no, that is definitely not the case and he needs to see a dentist asap. He claims he doesn’t have time to brush his teeth and it’s not needed. Ive started to stop kissing him as much because I’m having thrush issues. I told him he needs to do better because it’s effecting my health, but he doesn’t believe me. Aside from all this he’s a great guy and he treats me well. I love him and I don’t want to leave. But at the same time, I don’t want to keep dealing with this. I feel he possibly has mental issues that are behind this and I have no idea how to proceed forward. He doesn’t care about himself at all. Im at a loss of what to do….do u think he can or will ever change? I told him he needs to start taking better care of himself and that a grown man shouldn’t be having these issues. He simply just tells me he doesn’t want to grow up and that he’s fine.

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