How often do you get a haircut?

  1. It is nearly 11 years since I was at a barber. I cut my own. I did it yesterday as it happens. I do it about three or four times a year. I have done for many years. That trip to the barber was a one-off. I started cutting it myself a few years before that.

  2. I cut my own hair. Occasionally I’ll go to the barbers to treat myself but that had been maybe 6 times in the past 9 years. I cut my hair every 2-3 weeks and probably my beard every other haircut

  3. Cut my own hair every 2 weeks with a fade. Every so often I’ll just shave it off because I don’t feel like it. I stopped paying for haircuts when I taught myself.

  4. Every 10 days. Same with the beard, but not on the same day. This keeps me fluctuating in how i look, but always pretty tight

  5. I buzz my head with clippers (no attachment) every other weekend. The last time I had a real haircut was for my wedding almost 8 years ago.

  6. Every three days. But I shave my head bald. Any longer than 4 days, and it’s to long for the blades, and I need to use clippers first.

  7. Buzz it with clippers about once every 3 weeks. Any more than that and I start tooking like a mad professor. Beard gets a trim every weekend.

  8. I was getting a haircut every 2 or 3 weeks. But now I’m trying to save money by growing my hair out. Trying to enhance my hair while I still have it.

  9. Depends on your style. I used to have a short hairstyle so I would chop it every month-ish. Now I’ve got a surfer type of look so I maybe trim it every 3 months just to keep things reasonable

  10. Bout every 2-3 weeks if I’m correct. But it’s as soon as the hair over my years starts touching it. So about as soon as it gets over 0.75in in any place.

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