What is your take on feminism?

  1. It’s about equality for all sexes.

    We’ll know it’s happened when representation reflects the number of women and men in society, and when literacy rates for men and women around the world even out.

    It benefits all people.

  2. I love it, fuck yeah on being able to vote, support yourself financially, own assets, ect

    But (and this goes for both sexes) don’t hit someone without expecting to be hit back (and sometimes worse-and this doesn’t just go for being physically hit)

  3. Very much needed, but often villified by the patriarchy.

    I remember bei a young burl and thinking, “Why is my mom so feminist?” And the older and older I get I’m like “Damn, everything she said is true, everything.”

    Women have to fight to get and keep rights relentlessly.

  4. It’s great. I just wish that it wasn’t treated like a cause that must be subservient to all others. Intersectionality is important, but I’m tired of seeing marginalized men speaking over women on our issues.

    As an example, I don’t like men calling me “bitch.” It is a gendered slur. But gay men will get angry if I ask them not to. And I am a queer woman! But many feminist groups will take a very hands-off approach to these kinds of micro aggressions. It really feels like society is starting to think that women aren’t a marginalized gender anymore. Even as American women’s rights are being eroded.

  5. While I get the logic of sorting women first then idea that gender equality could ever be achieved by focusing solely on womens rights is misconceived and responsible for some of the more harmful attitudes against women that have arisen over past hundred years. I worry that, while it has done a lot for womens rights the lingering legacy of feminism will be to delay gender equality unless we take the opportunity to fundamentally reconsider what equality looks like and to deconstruct the internalise misogyny in femenist movements.

  6. In the words of bell hooks, “feminist politics aims to end domination, to free us to be who we are – to live lives where we love justice, where we can live in peace. Feminism is for everybody.” ❤️

    Modern approach to feminism seems to miss the point, majority of the time.

  7. I hate it. It’s not about equality at all.

    I believe both men and women should be equal, but feminism isn’t the way to go about it.

  8. I will never compromise on feminism. Never ever up to debate. As a younger girl I would argue and try so hard to make ignorant people understand… now I’m completely over it. Not believing in feminism is a deal breaker and dasss ittttt

  9. feminism is slowly improving as an ideology with its consideration of intersectionality and how the focus isn’t solely on cishet abled white women anymore and brings forth a spotlight onto women of color, trans women, disabled women, etc. i do think we have a ways to go considering the alarming popularity of the terf/radfem ideology which refuses to take intersectionality into account and causes a lot of women to he stuck in the 2nd wave feminist mindset which is extremely outdated. but i’d like to think feminism as a movement will improve over the years.

  10. Depends on the type of feminist

    I’m all for equality however most feminists I know are 100% against males all together, like violently against them, like commit crimes against them

    I was told “If you don’t have the urge to punch a male in the face, you aren’t a feminist” and that’s when I started straying away from those kinds of groups.

  11. fuck yeah guys c’mon stop it with the “they’re violent against men” bullshit because the vast majority of violent crime is done by men like for example about 90% of homicides WORDLWIDE are committed by men (if not more according to the UN) and women make up 82% of intimate partner homicide victims so really if there is gendered violence… it’s certainly not me telling some guy at the club to stop molesting my friends and him feeling emasculated. I’m not “for” punching men because what’s the point and also they’re dangerous as f if you look at any and all statistics but I’ve never met a feminist who hit a guy or verbally attacked a guy who wasn’t attacking a woman first. I’m all for fighting the patriarchy with men so that women can exist inside and outside of their homes without being subjected to sexual and other violence all. the. time. Feminism rocks

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