So I (27f) have a friend (26f) who I have known for years now. Normally we don’t have any issues but I’ve been feeling extremely frustrated with her for the past year. Last year she was with a guy we will call Tony and since getting with him she became obsessed with getting pregnant and having a baby. At one point she called me up and was convinced she was pregnant. She had taken a pregnancy test and forgotten about it and when she finally remembered and looked at it it had a very faint grey line. Now anyone who knows about pregnancy tests knows that after the time recommendation on the box (generally 10 minutes max) you should not consider the test valid anymore because it can develop an evaporation line. That’s exactly what this line looked like. I tried to tell her that but she was having non of it and was thoroughly convinced she was pregnant. I told her she should take more tests just to be sure. When she did all of them were negative. Then a few days later it happened. She had a “miscarriage”. She said the bleeding was heavier than she normally gets and she insisted she had a miscarriage. I suggested she go to see her doctor to confirm. She didn’t go to see the doctor for 3 weeks and when she finally did the doctor just told her it’s possible she had a miscarriage but highly unlikely and that there was no evidence of a pregnancy having happened (the doctor did an ultrasound). My friend was still fully convinced tho that she had been pregnant and had a miscarriage. Ever since then she talks about it non stop and what really frustrated me was when I recently found out I’m pregnant I called to tell her as I have been dealing with infertility for a long time due to health conditions so this was a big surprise for me. When I told her she was not happy for me and just started talking about how she thinks she might be pregnant and talking about her miscarriage again. I just feel very frustrated with her and I want to have a conversation with her about it. How should I approach the topic with her?

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