I had my first real social interaction yesterday and today in college, after being distant for a while from others (studying as finals are very close, sitting behind my computer most of the times and reading books).

Before I went there I had in my mind the idea to apply some things of what I have learned from some of many books I’ve read like “50 exercise to develop one’s influence ” by Philippe Lebreton (It’s in French), ‘The like switch by Jack Schafer’, ‘Win friends ‘ by Dale Carnegie, and many others, which are as follows:

\- Learning how to smile to others
\- How to match my voice speed to the one of my interlocutor, sadly I forgot most of the time to do this
\- How to do the friend signals shown by Jack Schafer like eye flashes, head tilt, it was kinda successful

\- I don’t have a problem with having eye contact,

\- I did participate actively in all the conversations I have taken part in, so I have had a good time
\- Sometimes I had to deal with some stuttering problems since I haven’t talked much since a while, but it didn’t bother me how others saw it.

\- I need to work on a good fare-well

So what do you think about this little experience, what should I take in consideration next time when I have to meet people or interact with them?

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