I have a date planned with a girl a met for this weekend, but I’m starting to realize I really don’t want to go anymore. She seems really sweet, and from what we’ve talked about online we seem to have a lot in common. But I’m starting to feel like I’m catfishing her. All the pictures she’s seen of me are of much better angles. I look worse in real life. Like I didn’t edit or modify them, but they are just hand picked. I’m starting to realize that I’m just not good enough for this date, but I don’t know how to call it off. She seems really interested about it, but I just can’t go. I’ve realized that all my insecurities are 100000000% valid, and that there is no sugar coating what I look like when I get there. Like how do I tell her I don’t want to go without having a reason? I’ll seem like an ass.

Edit: I’ve decided I will cancel the date. I’ll tell her through text it wouldn’t work out.

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