I’m specifically looking for your experience of how people reacted when you were dating + how you handled it and such.

I know women don’t have to shave/we all have hair/no shame etc ❤️

  1. I never had anyone tell me anything about it, give their opinion or just voice whatever we can imagine to be the case based on everything we can easily see online so I would say : just like someone who shave it.

  2. It doesn’t need to be brought up lol. The men I’ve dated haven’t cared because I didn’t make it a thing.

  3. I haven’t shaved since I was a preteen (in my 20s now) and this has never been an issue for me. Men might care but not say anything, women ime definitely don’t care. You might even find a lot of people who are really into it! Although once I had a guy accidentally touch my armpit while cuddling and sharply recoil his hand at the hair which was really funny to me. He still didn’t say anything though. I think a lot of guys especially know it’s bad form to talk about it negatively even if they dislike it. Be yourself and the immature ones will weed themselves out!

  4. I’d only date people who are pro women and have unlearned all their toxic masculinity conditioning

  5. My boyfriend doesn’t even seem to notice, he’s all over me any chance he gets 🤷‍♀️

  6. I hv none,my armpit maybe hv very few line but very soft. I didn’t shave mine too.

  7. I never had anyone have a problem with it. I didn’t shave for years and I would still get hit on and had no problem dating. I started shaving my armpits again recently (for BO management reasons) and the amount of success I’ve had with dating is unchanged.

  8. I’m a shaver but I do get exhausted and let it grow out time to time because I’d have to shave my underarms every third day otherwise which gets bothersome. No guy I’ve dated has said anything.

  9. I didn’t notice any difference in dating with vs without the hair.

    I always just acted normal because it *is* normal, and everyone else acted the same. I don’t want to date misogynists anyway, so if I figured if those people were quietly filtering themselves out, then great. Less work for me, you know?

    Now I’m married to an incredible person who loves me as I am, so I’d say it all worked out.

  10. If someone has a problem with it and insists on shaving to date them then it’s an automatic no and they’re showing you their preferences and what is usually considered a red flag immediately. It’s a shallow reason to judge people on but the people you don’t need to be with will weed themselves out by doing it.

  11. I kinda understand where that stigma came from, considering axillary(armpit hair)and pubic hair growth is under the influence of Androgens, which are primarily male sex hormones. I would rather not want to expose the testosterone levels in me, so I’m on the shaved pits side.

  12. I feel proud of my self what i am i don’t have to care other what they feel my armpits hair

  13. If / when on dating apps, I sometimes try to sneak in a photo or two which clearly show a lack of shaving (I do shave my armpits sometimes, for BO reasons, my hormones are weird) and there will be people that feel the need to send messages, saying how much they hate it or how unattractive that makes me. Cool, they are not the ones I want to be with, no time wasted there!

    I don’t remember it ever being a (big) deal in person, but that may also be because I have a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude about it. I’ve hung out with people that made rude (imo) comments about others having hair, tattoos, or piercings, or short hair. Things will not progress with me then, because if they make such comments about strangers, they will likely think them about me to, but maybe not say them because they don’t want to ruin their chances etc. I don’t think I’m that special, and I mean that in a good way, so those comments, to me, are about regular people, and thus, also about me. And I’m not interested in people that feel entitled to even comment on such things.

    Someone making a fuzz (pun intended 😉) about it the first time we get unclothed together, is going to see me get clothed real quick.

  14. Didn’t face an issue with it honestly. If they’re really into you, it’s not really that big of an issue I think.

  15. Literally hasn’t crossed my mind that someone wouldn’t like it and if they don’t fuck them. 😇
    we are entirely incompatible if it grosses you out.

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