I know the title makes it seem like I’m 12, but I’m 29F and my boyfriend is 25. We’ve been dating for a couple months and he is my first relationship as well as my first kiss. He was in one other long term relationship years ago and has dated other people aside from that.

He’s incredibly respectful and is great at taking cues for what I’m comfortable with (took me until the 5th date to be comfortable with kissing) and not pushing any boundaries. We’ve kissed a bunch since then, but just quick kisses. I want to try making out but idk how to do that 😅😅 I grew up pretty sheltered and hadn’t really thought in depth much about the prospect of making out until now, but I’m scared that it’s going to be awful and that I’m going to be a terrible kisser. I have no reference for whether he is or not because he’s the only one I’ve kissed, but he’s kissed multiple other people so he’ll know if I’m bad 😂😂 I also feel dumb because I’m almost 30 and should know how to do this by now.

Anyway, I know this is a stupid post, but it’s late and I’m anxious, so wanted to see what advice Reddit had for me. Please be kind, I’m fragile 😂

The autobot says I need a question, so I guess the TLDR is this: how do I make out with my boyfriend?

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