(I’m using a translator because I actually speak Spanish) It turns out that I have been in love with my best friend (let’s call him Kevin) for 3 years now, we have known each other for 4 years. He has recently gone through a breakup of a 3 year relationship with a girl (let’s call her Madi) Madi was emotionally dependent on Kevin, it turns out that Kevin left for 2 months, where he didn’t talk to anyone, in those months Madi fell in love from someone else, Kevin was devastated, since Madi did the same and left for half a year, and Kevin waited for her, then, When Kevin found out, he said he wanted to cut contact with Madi, but Madi begged for him to stay and that she would stop talking to the boy she fell in love with if she had to, but Kevin blocked her, then Madi started contacting him through friends, but here I am.

I fell in love with Kevin, I confessed it to him a week after he broke up with Madi (it wasn’t the best option) He clearly rejected me, so I decided to give him time to heal, thinking that something could happen between us, when Kevin broke up with Madi, that brought me closer to him, since I advised him the best I could, also, after my confession, He behaved more affectionately with me, he complimented me, he showed me more about his life (something very strange since he is too reserved) and he even showed me his face after the 4 years we had been talking (yes, everything is from a distance) With each day more, I felt like we were falling in love, but something told me that wasn’t the case, since he told me things like that he would die alone, that no one would have a relationship with him, that he wanted to have children but that to do that he would have to love someone. someone new, at the same time he told me things like “my Lunar maiden” “Owner of my dreams and deepest feelings” etc, so every day I felt great pain because of it.

Although I felt that things were going well, I decided to tell him about my feelings, and that I was thinking about ending the friendship because everything he was doing with me hurt me. He told me that he felt like a hypocrite since, in his words, his brain He was replacing the place that his ex left and put me there, but that in his heart there was a place just for me, that he didn’t want to end the friendship because it would be worse for both of us (which is true) and that he would be okay with us still being friends, but he didn’t want to continue causing me harm, we decided to give ourselves a week of time, but it’s the second day and I can’t stop thinking that he’s probably using me to feel like he was talking to his ex, should I wait the 7 days? Should I stop talking to him?.

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