My boyfriend (27M) told me (26F) that his long time “friend” was struggling financially and wanting to move his family (his girlfriend and 6 month old baby) to cheaper accomodations. This man is a student and an “online investor”, and his partner does not work as she is caring for the baby.
I put friends in quotations because the only time i have ever heard about this friend is when my boyfriend complained and stressed to me about how he invested two thousand dollars towards his friend who is an online investor, and has never seen this money back and everytime he asks, the friend responds with that the investment is down, he should wait, finally when we had some house renos recently my bf asked again and he was promised that his money would be given back in full and still has never received this back.
My partner is focusing on helping his friend and this family and excited to recieve rent money for this time. We have a small two-story house and an unfinished basement with a small bedroom right below ours where they would be staying. My bf’s intention is to construct an additional bathroom downstairs before their arrival (we have a shower and sink already with that intention in the future).
We’re not doing great financially (making ends meet though) and my bf does not want me to pay any house bills for his own pride – i pay for our groceries, cook, clean, and take care of his kid (my stepkid) when they are with us, as i complete my masters degree and finish next month. I have offered more and, in this circumstance, have told him I would give him the money he would expect as rent from this family.
Our community is in a housing crisis, with high rent prices and high competition for housing. I have major concerns about the trust of this friend to pay any amount of rent to us and while they say they only want to stay for a few months, due to the housing crisis i highly doubt this will be the case.
I work from home in a job that needs absolute privacy and professionalism, and our house is not sound proof.
I have never met these people before, and they need to be out of their apartment in April, which indicates to me that they may be getting evicted (I live in the northern region, and tenancy laws protect against eviction until the end of winter).
In a past workplace where I managed a home for rent as part of my job, I had a similar scenario that ended with the man not paying, damaging the home and surrounding property, and threatening violence towards me. I had to get law enforcement involved to finally remove him from the house and just felt horrible about the whole thing and felt unsafe for months until it was resolved. This fear definitely contributes to my feelings on this new situation and my partner knows about this.
My boyfriend thinks i am being unreasonable, he is disregarding the points I’m making and continuing to refuse more financial support from me.
Am i being an asshole here? I just want to care for my own family in our own home

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