I (26f) and my boyfriend (28m) have been dating for about 4 months and sometimes stay at each other’s apartments. I work in tech and my work requires me to write meeting notes. Sometimes I do that manually and sometimes I use ai-notetaking apps

I was working from home today and had one of my apps activated on my phone which my boyfriend didn’t know. My (now) ex-boyfriend invited a few of his friends for a board games night. They are 2 of his “besties” who have known each other for years.

They came over and we started playing. 2 hours in, I left for the restroom and left my phone in the guest room with the note-taking activated. The restroom is isolated from the “guest room”, i.e. you cannot hear anything that is happening in the other side of the apartment which was a well-known fact for my ex-BF.

When I came back and picked my phone to check new notifications, I got a notification about “avoiding using swear words. When I opened it, I saw “meeting notes” like:

* “{name} is just a fuckdoll”
* a plan to “break up with {me} if {my bf} meets someone better

We didn’t have any music playing and the TV was off, meaning that the app recorded my BF’s conversation with his friends. I’m also sure this was 100% correct because I’ve been using this app for a while and it recorded things pretty well.

I brought this up during the game and saw a “scared” look in his eyes which made me even more sure. I told him and his friends to leave the apartment and blocked him everywhere.

One hour later he called me from his friend’s phone, said it was a mistake and asked to forgive him. Should I forgive him or he will not change?

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