Sorry in advance I am on mobile.

Background: My brother who has lived all of his life in Vietnam recently got his green card and has come to stay with me. I have not spent a lot of time with him due to living in the states. I have spent sporadic amounts of time with him while on vacation a handful of times over the years. We also speak occasionally over the phone and Facebook. The family has never seen him with a girlfriend and since he has stayed with me I hear him on the phone with men all the time. I assuming one is his boyfriend they are constantly sharing about their day. Based on watching his demeanor I am 99% he is gay and I have no problem with that. I want him to be happy and I feel like keeping such a secret for so long couldn’t be healthy. It is highly frowned upon in my culture and I know he doesn’t want to “disappoint ” the family since he is the eldest.
Do I just straight up ask him? Is it even my place I just want him to be happy. Thank you for reading.

TLDR: Brother is gay, I want him to be happy and come out of the closet even if it means disappointing the family.

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