My darling partner who has been sober from gambling for 7 months has just slipped up 3 weeks ago and is spending 12 hours a day playing poker or at the TAB. Not coming home for dinner and not communicating with me. I’m guessing it’s been a big loss and he’s trying to recover it. I don’t know how the gambling mind works so I’ve been unsure how to approach it. I’ve tried to be supportive in giving him space but he’s made a few comments about “wanting to k-himself” and how depressed he is. I’m feeling deep sadness for what he must be feeling along with fear about our future and our child’s immediate future. I’m worried he might have lost the house or a huge sum of money (which would have been borrowed as he doesn’t have much savings). I’ve been trying to gently let him open up to me but I only get snips of sentences and he shuts down if I try and have a real conversation and just goes to his cave. He’s stopped eating at home, exercising, doing anything good for himself like how he was before. I’ve never seen him like this. He went to a meeting last night but tonight he’s been at a poker game for 12 hours. He banned himself from the TAB’s but I think they still let him in. And if not, he will always be able to go to the poker club. It frightens me that he’s depressed as I know suicide is common amongst heavy gamblers. I’m not close with his friends or family and don’t want to involve anyone or cause any problems that could be turned around on me as I’m in a very vulnerable position. I have my own money but rely on him for the house and dont have enough to move or pay the rents they are asking ($500+ pw for one bedroom). I earn less than that per week incl govt assistance so to move is not an option, plus I want to support him. Has anyone been through similar and gotten through it? How have you supported your partner through gambling and recovery? I know he needs to want to get better and I think he does. But I also think he’s in so deep he can’t swim 🙁

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