So a few months ago, me and this guy became really close. We talked one day and instantly clicked. I considered him a really good friend, but I guess he developed feelings quick. Everyone was catching onto it, but I just thought it was out of kindness, I mean, we would text like 24/7, he would invite me to his games, show me conversations he had with people that he wouldn’t show no one else, he would even text me while on vacation.

He then agreed it would be better if we were just friends, and I agreed because I really did like him as a friend, but I was then catching feelings for him after he said this. Turns out after he said this he still had feelings for me too.🤷🏻‍♀️

We would still text always, and basically the same thing as before. There was about 5 days where he went on vacation and then we texted all day, like 24/7 even though he traveled somewhere with a different time zone. This suprised me, but then the next day, we got into a sort of conflict, and just didn’t talk, text or nothing, then he says he likes a new girl randomly. This was not really expected, especially because we were texting all day the day before, but I was like ok whatever.

So we still remained friends, he never really brought up this girl in front of me, which I didn’t even mind if he did, but I knew she was actually a person, but he would still flirt with me.

Recently, I’ve been getting closer with one of his friends, and when i was asking him if he wanted to go somewhere with me, his friend said yes. Keep in mind I asked the guy that I’ve been talking to and he said he had a ride there already. After he saw me and his friend talking about it, I did catch him staring at times, and when I would talked about his friend to other people, he would stare. It’s like every time I brought up someone else feeling attracted to me,
he would need to know who.

So suddenly, he says that he can come with us suddenly. Obviously we are still friends, so I said ok why not? Turns out the person that was originally supposed to take him could have still taken him. To me this was odd because then today when I was talking about him to my other group of friends, he would stare at me and think every time I go on my phone, I would be texting him.

All in all, I know this was a lot to read, but I don’t understand why he does stuff like this. There is honestly so much more I can say, like how after the day he saw me and his friend get way closer, he randomly starts texting me again? Odd. Anyways I need opinions!!

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