As per the title girlfriend waits a bit until I’m supposed to be asleep and starts whispering stuff to me. Most of the times I’m actually not asleep because it takes me some time to get sleep but I kept the façade going a couple of times in order to listen to what she was saying and she was saying stuff like “I love you baby”, “you’re the love of my life”, “I wanna spend the rest of my life with you”, and she then hugs me holding me really tight like almost smothering me😂 (I’m joking of course – she doesn’t even remotely smother me or anything but it’s just really really tight) and kisses me or caresses my face and strokes my hair and stuff. The thing is – she says those things even when I’m awake during the day so I don’t know exactly why she would be doing this. What do you guys think?

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