I (M25) met a girl (F22) who I thought was the love of my life and we had a great connection. We went on several dates and kissed a few times, but she was leaving for another country for 6 months.

On our last night together, I confessed the sun and the moon of my love to her and told her how I felt about our connection (drunkenly).

She said she didn’t feel the same and I respected her decision. I walked her home and said goodbye, then went no contact ever since.

It’s been a few days, but I can’t help but feel like an asshole to her, by just ghosting her off the face of the earth. Especially when she wasn’t rude in letting me down. She was kind, and told me she didn’t feel the same.

Here comes the question:

Im kind of over it tbh. She’s leaving for good in a few days to another country, and i don’t think punishing her with my absence would be fair to her, since she’s entitled to say no, and I shouldn’t be upset over it, or sulk.

She was a great friend, plus she’s sweet, and doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. It’s undeserving.

I feel like that’s what a man should do, to just accept the rejection and move on.

Ps: i give no fcks about if she hooks up with another guy or gets a boyfriend or whatever… incase you guys are still wondering if Im over it on now

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