This happened like a month or so ago and I (23f) was thinking about it randomly so I thought I’d just write. To keep is semi short at my college one day I’m in line for food and I see this guy next to me. I never really do this but I decided to start conversation with him, I thought he was kinda cute and we started talking about our majors and general small talk in line.

He got his food before me and went to go sit down, and asked if I could sit with him and said sure. We talked about a lot of stuff, our hobbies, career goals, music, movies etc honestly a lot of stuff like rly quickly but at the end I had to go meet with my friend to study so I left when I finished eating. I was hoping he’d ask for my number or get my socials or something but he didn’t I kinda just said goodbye and so did he, nice to meet you and all that.

So what I had been wondering was why didn’t he ask? I kinda regret not asking him since I liked him enough to even approach him in the first place but as someone who’s really insecure it made me think I did something wrong. Was he not interested? Did he have a gf already? Didnt think i was that attractive?Im not a stunner or anything im at least a 7. He was a little shy/reserved I think if that matters. We kinda had different interests and not a whole lot in common but I thought we vibed well and I enjoyed talking with him. I found his Instagram but I’m scared to follow him cause I’d be really random since I haven’t seen him since then and I had to search around for his ig. Just wondering if anyone had input on what might have happened:)

1 comment
  1. Anything anyone says here will be bald speculation, we know even less about him than you do, so if you don’t know how could we? We’ve got no idea if he’s single, if he found you attractive, etc.

    What I will say, is that you hit upon the problem with “I kinda regret not asking him…”

    If **YOU** are interested, ask. Don’t try and bait someone into exposing the interest they may or may not have out of your own fear of rejection. If *you* are interested, tell them (don’t hint, don’t “drop clues”, tell them) by *asking them out*.


    You’ll spare yourself a lot more of these “*Was* *he or wasn’t he…?*” kind of moments in your future if you’ll just learn to take action when you know that you ***are***.

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