People usually post things when things aren’t going well. I’m here to post when they are. As I said, I’ve been married for 27 years and the last 15 years or so have been great. Obviously during the honeymoon phase things were great. Then we settled in and had 4 sons. I love my boys but man, those were rough times. They were great boys so I’m not blaming them. But my husband and I had a lot of growing pains. Years 2 to 10 were hard, very hard. We forgot we were on the same team. Both of us were so wrapped up in our individual wants and needs, we forgot about each other. I was raising four sons as a stay at home mom. He was stressed about supporting his wife and four sons.

Eventually the kids were less demanding of my time and his dedication to his career started paying off. And we began reconnecting. I’m so glad we stuck it out and came out the other side.

If you love each other and the stresses are temporary.. hang in there.

Even at our worst, we were never hateful or disloyal. If you wanna grow old together, hang in there. It’s so much better on the other side.

I contemplated divorce around year 5. I’m so thankful that I did not do it.

I understand our story is our story, it may not be worth it for everyone. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. At least it was for my husband and I. Now I question if I deserve such a wonderful spouse, instead of questioning if we would make it.

If your in that hard stage, the stage of just trying to make it through each day, please remember that you are on the same team. Your not in competition. Try and remember if you put them 1st and they put you 1st, you’ll both always have someone putting you 1st. If not it’ll be 10x harder.

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