Men I need advice about your kind. I 19F am currently seeing this guy 21M and I am really confused on his intentions. Sooo, we met at a club, we were both just really psychically attracted to each other and hit it off at the same time. He invites me over, I go over… He initiates and then stops when we’re getting to the point yanno? And says that his body count is 1 and he can’t get hard unless he is fully comfortable. I was cool wid it though, and just gave him space to open up and what I gathered is that he’s a really attractive guy but can’t do hookups cause his weiner doesn’t work with girls he isn’t fully comfortable with. That night we just cuddled and spoke and it was actually really nice.
Anyway dude asks to hang out again and says he wants to fuck but then just cuddles me and kisses my forehead? I can’t tell if he’s either just a really sweet guy who isn’t using me for my body or if he is cheating on a mystery girlfriend with me. He also has no photos on instagram and only follows girls..
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