anything. Have felt like this literally years.

I feel like I stumbled my way into my 20s and now into my 30s. I finished my bachelor degree and graduate certificate in exercise physiology at 22 and 23 respectively. I spent uni travelling 1 hour each way and was also doing visiting the doctor 3 times a week to put my skin condition into remission so it took abit out of me. I did keep a consistant training routine but still felt like I just dragged my feet.

I have like I have been dragging my feet for years. I still train and have held full time work but I feel I have no drive or motivation and as if nothing is worth it. I have felt like that for a long time now.

My exercise and diet is on point. Sex drive is good too. But I feel no confidence and no will to do anything.

Guys over 30. Is this depression? Have you experienced this?

  1. Well I just slept for 20 hours, I’ve shut off phone lines, and stopped responding to friends and family. I rarely eat, and I have to force myself to leave my bed. Yeah, depression can do horrible things to your drive and motivation.

  2. I don’t think it’s depression. Just sounds like rumination and regret. I would keep focused on moving forward and you will make progress which should life your spirits.

  3. It doesn’t have to be clinical depression in order for it to be depressive. 30s can be a very bumpy ride with a lot of growing as a person. Lot of people spend this time figuring out their priorities in life and questioning life decisions in the growing realization of our own limited time on this planet. Especially as people around you are taking different life-paths than you are it is easy to feel that you are not living up to “what you are supposed to be doing” or that you are falling behind, and that will fade with time, eventually you will stop caring so much but getting there can be tough.

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