genuine question ive always had, what do couples talk about? do u guys text all day? how long do u take to respond?

  1. Never text all day. It makes you appear like you have nothing better to do with your time, and frankly, if you have that kind of time, find a new job. I exchange a good morning with my girl, and at night I leave it to her to reach out. Otherwise I’ll keep it short texting, or give her a call to catch up. I prefer personal interaction over typing, and texting can lead to misinterpretations. I rather keep it light to avoid any misunderstanding.

  2. I didn’t notice how often my partner and I texted until we broke up. Usually we said good morning, texted a bit during work with hours-long chunks of silence in between responses, and texted a bit in the evening and say goodnight. We would just text a stream of consciousness lol. Like what was happening at work, a meme, complaining about something. It’s very different from texting in the dating phase, where you want to make sure you’re not being over-available to someone

  3. Response time can vary. For me, it’s typically between a minute and 2 hours, skewing towards faster. Then again, things can come up.

    Depending on the person, it can be plans, venting about work, venting about family, talking about interests (you don’t know a person through and through when you first start dating), talking about controversial things like “did you hear about the slap at the Oscars??” And many other things. 😀

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