I didn’t know about the rules and post got deleted I repost it again here, I still don’t know how Reddit works sadly

Hello this is a throw away cause my best friend has Reddit, I’ve been best friends with her for about 5 years now and way back in high school I confessed once and she turned me down, I’m surprise we are still best friends to this date but we just click on everything and even tho it’s a long distance friendship due to us living extremely far we haven’t met up in years but still talk daily

I think my feelings got reawakened somehow and I’m just not sure how to proceed. I am not afraid of rejection cause I know she will reject me again I’m just worried about how she would feel and if me telling her would change our friendship or take focus away from her studies, I don’t want to be selfish and think about my self but this has been gnawing at me for about a week now till the point I’m getting dreams about here so… here I am now I’ve watch many Reddit stories and learnt that it’s best to ask for advice since I can’t always do things on my own, so what should I do people of Reddit?

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