Who wouldn’t you like to see naked?

  1. A non-comprehensive list:

    – anyone I work with
    – anyone I regularly encounter on my public transit commute to work
    – anyone who works at the grocery store that I frequent
    – the creepy dude who hangs out in the lobby of my office building, but doesn’t seem to work there

    Most other people, I would feel neutral about at best. I like seeing my partner naked, and I’m cool with being nude around my female family members and close friends in appropriate contexts.

  2. My boss or my direct report, nope nope nope nope nope. There are several lateral coworkers and other people’s supervisors who I fantasize about all the time, but not mine

  3. Everyone but my partner. What the fuck is wrong with people who feel entitled to see everyone naked, so much so that they make AI/deep fake porn of people who never consented to it?

    The world is porn sick.

  4. Loads of people, I like people to have at least some covering, bodies are much more interesting to look at that way.

  5. I would say context ist everything here. Nakedness does not always need to be sexually. I don’t mind seeing anyone naked in the Sauna or in Nudist Settings. But if i enter such spaces i consent to seeing anyone there naked but also I consent to the cultural rules of These spaces.

  6. Why is it that my mind automatically went to that one family feud episode where the contestants are asked what wouldn’t a burglar wanna see when breaking into a home and one contestant screams “NAKED GRANDMA!” 🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. Generally speaking: most people.

    Specifically speaking: my ex best friend’s husband. Have seen him in speedos and I still haven’t recovered, years later.

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