My(20m) ex girlfriend(18f) broke up with me about 5 days ago because of her trauma, which was affecting the relationship considerably. I supported her in her decision and we decided to stay friends afterwards as we both still loved each other and wanted to be in each other’s lives and to one day possibly get back together. The next two days we barely talked, and when we did it felt like I was talking to a completely different person, so with consultation from a friend I decided it’d be best if we didn’t talk for a few months so she’d be able to completely focus on herself with therapy (which she was doing prior to the breakup), and so I’d be able to heal and focus on myself as well. Because continuing to talk wouldn’t help either of us. What pursued was the an hour and a half of a really nice conversation with her. It felt like she was herself again. We both cried and laughed, and then we said our goodbyes. These past few days I’ve been missing her a lot, and today I decided to stalk her socials a little. Which was something I never did when we were together. She has an editing Instagram account, and has a lot of friends she met through editing. I clicked on the posts she were tagged in and looked at the comments. And when I did my heart sank. All of these comments (on multiple posts) were from when we were dating. She was very playfully flirty with her friends, like saying “i can dance good for you 🙏🏻” and “could be us but you playinnnnnn” on a edit about a relationship, but also said things like “that’s so hot”, “they’re so hot” on some edits, then edits with Vinnie the hacker (in short, buff dude who’s very handsome), she said things like “so HOT I LOVE”, and “corrupt me 🙏🏻”. Again these were all while we were dating. I’m not exactly impartial so I would appreciate some advice on this. I wanted to confront her, but I don’t want to break the no contact, and I know she’ll get depressed and hurt herself if I do confront her (because of her trauma). I was also thinking about just removing her and ending it for good. Am I overreacting? I’m not sure anymore.

Her first boyfriend and ex before me cheated on her and that deeply affected her so she didn’t date for 2 years. So I just don’t understand how she could say those things about another guy after what she had been through.

TL;DR: Ex girlfriend(18f) broke up with me(20m) because of her trauma, we agreed to stay friends but I told her we needed to not talk for awhile. I started missing her and made the mistake of stalking her Instagram, and found comments where was being flirty with other people, and calling another man hot during our relationship.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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