How long would it take you to get dressed and ready to go somewhere (e.g. work, social event, etc.)?

  1. 15 mins max if it’s casual

    I am meeting a friend at 6 today and it is 5:13 rn but I am still relaxing.

  2. Work- from waking up to leaving the house about 15mins (but I prep things like lunch the night before)

    Out out kinda depends on where and if I’m getting ready to go out or getting ready is part of my ‘me time’. I could fuck around for ours with a long bath or face masks if it’s also my ‘me’ time, but it’s just a mean to an end of going out maybe 45 mins (that would be hair and full face of makeup included)

  3. I get up at 11:45 for work shower, get dressed, pack a meal, dry my hair, do makeup, and leave at 1:05

  4. If mom’s gonna b there or coming w/ me: around 10 – 15 min

    If not: usually around 2 – 3 min but my record is 50 seconds

  5. 45 minutes, that includes the shower, drying and styling my hair, dressing and throwing up some foundation and a little blush.

  6. If I don’t need a shower, took one the night before, I can be ready in 10-15 minutes.

  7. getting dressed takes a few minutes but the prep work before like showering shaving hair-styling etcetera can take up to two hours depending how important the event is

  8. If I have to do something fancier than just tying my hair up, 1-1.5 hour. If not, 10-20 min max.

  9. work is about a half hour. to go out casually is about ten minutes. to go out socializing, i take longer and will be about an hour for full hair styling and full make up.

  10. Depends on the context, situation, formality level, and starting point. It can take very little time for a casual event or much longer for a fancier or more formal one.

  11. If it’s just work or casual about 10-15 min.

    Anything involving makeup and trying to do my hair is more like 30 – 60 min.

  12. an hour if I’m showering. 15-30 minutes if I’m just putting on clothes and makeup

  13. Work? 5 mins.

    Job interview? 25 mins.

    Social event for just me? 5 mins.

    Social event with my son? About an hour.

  14. 45 mins to shower, dry hair, do make up etc. if I’m going out, I’ll be more leisurely about it

  15. it can vary from 15 min to an hour . it depends on how clean my body is, what type of clothes i’m going to wear and if they deserve a make up look or not, and then there’s the complexity of the make up look. The amount of accessories i’m going to have.

    All of that without worring about my hair because i always have a protective style (braids) on.

  16. 20 mins if I don’t have to wash and style my hair. And already know what to wear.
    30 mins if I don’t.
    1h if I have to wash and style my hair and kinda know what to wear.

  17. I put on a song before getting dressed and i have to do it before that song is over. (Not a woman. just wanted to share lmao)

  18. Depends a lot on what is happening. I can get ready in 3 minutes, got date ready including shower and hair wash in twenty minutes, but if I am doing all preparation and expecting a night of sex with someone new or something that I want to be special, I may start 3 days early with having an overnight peel and having all clothes ready, freshly washed and nicely smelling. And there is also the mental preparation: no stress, relaxed, home in a fine state and all those things.

    Everyday morning bath and clothing time is always under 30 minutes.

  19. Ideally, I want 2 hours to mentally and physically prepare myself. My actual routine is the same whether I’m going to work or going to a wedding so I never need more time.

    Actual time needed – 30-60mins to be presentable and not super rushed. It’ll depend on whether or not it’s a hair washing day.

  20. Depends… But I can totally shower and get dressed in less than 30minutes.

  21. Do I need to wash my hair? My hair takes at least an hour to air-dry. If not I take exactly 10 minutes from bed to “work”.

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