So my boyfriend(21M) and I(21F) have been in a long distance relationship for 2 and a 1/2 years. Our relationship is pretty good overall. My boyfriend’s a funny and sweet guy to be around. We’ve hit a bit of a rough spot recently however. Lately I’ve been making assumptions about others around me and running with it, and it’s been hurting this particular relationship.

Today he was going to have dinner at 9 PM his time and I assumed he just wanted to not hang out with me for the day and we got into an argument over it. Afterward some time, we apologized to each other for some of the stuff we said, but my boyfriend felt unsure about us and wanted to have a day off tomorrow so he can reevaluate what he wants. I tried encouraging him that we can just talk at the end of the day when we both have time, which he agreed to. I asked him if he wants to break up, and he told me no and that if he wanted to break up, he would’ve said so. He also wrote how he wanted to see what it was like being on his own without me. We still both feel hurt and tired from what happened.

Will this eventually lead to a break up? I’m not really too sure on what to do right now.

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