For context: My coworker and I are really close, so close that he invites me over. (Im 20 hes 29). He introduced me to his sister (21F). After going over id say 3 times I would just say hi and make small talk.

2 Weeks ago he had a baptism party for his son. I saw her and she was trying to scrape something from a plastic bin that seemed frozen. I made a joke about it as I helped her scrape it off, she then told me “you make me laugh”. I didnt think much of it. Later on we are sitting on the couch and we started talking about anime and japan and what we liked about it. When jokes were made we would laugh and hold eye contact.

After this day is when I started thinking about her. So the week after (which was last week) I went by my co workers house to bring him food since he had just undergone surgery. I also knew I was going to see his sister. My co worker and I start watching a movie while she is getting ready for church. She comes out with her hair done and looks beautiful, I was really nervous. She sat next to me and we watched the move and we didnt really talk about anything meaningful. She was in a very serious mood I noticed. After 30 minutes she leaves and I was sad that she actually left. That was the last time I saw her. I also confessed to her brother about my feelings for her since we are really close and as I expected he was really understanding about it. He told me he would invite me when they go kayaking to spend time together.

My issue is I cant stop thinking about her and I want to show her I am interested in her sooner than later. My patience is running thin I have been super depressed lately and I am alone at work since my co worker is still recovering. Any advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

TL;DR: I like my co-workers sister. We have talked once about similar interests while laughing and good eye contact. A week later I saw her and she seemed really serious. I told her brother how I felt Her brother told me she got ready for church earlier than she usually does. He told me to relax and that he would invite me to hangout with them so I can get to know her more. My patience is running thin. I want to go over but I also dont want it to be forced.

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