I always ruminate on things, most people seem like seem to have the attention span of fruit flies and were only preoccupied with whatever was happening in the moment.

For example, I remember in school, they’d show us movies or documentaries sometimes… you know, the ol’ TV on the black cart. I’d watch a deep or moving documentary it movie and I’d sort of “take it in,” when it’s done. I’d sit there thinking “wow,” or something. However, ever single one of my classmates would move on the moment the film was over.

“Hey, what you getting for lunch?” or something. It was as if whatever they just watched bounced off of them the moment it ended while I’d sit there pondering some fact or interesting aspect of it. I sometimes want3d to discuss the film with someone. I felt totally isolated from every other person.

Am I alone in this? Has this occurred to anybody else?

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