I (21f) have been dating my amazing and incredible boyfriend (22m) for almost a year, coming up on a year in May of 2024. My boyfriend is very naturally reserved and introverted, but still does his best to make me feel loved and works on our relationship with me. He lives with his dad and his twin brother, let’s call him S, and I guess you could say I’ve been living there, too? I spend the vast majority of my time there, and because I recently quit my job due to not feeling supported at all or respected, I’ve been spending even more time there. The first month or two when I really started spending most of my time at my bf’s house, I rarely ever saw his dad or his brother, his dad because he works very long hours, and his brother because he spends most of his time in his own room. Lately, I’ve been running into both of them more often, especially S, but mostly when my bf comes home from work and they play video games. My bf and I also recently hit a small snag in our relationship, which was resolved after we figured out how to better communicate with each other. And his brother actually gave me a little advice on it because I left to my parents house for a few days to give us some space. After that was definitely when I started seeing and talking to S more often. None of our conversations have EVER been inappropriate, but there have been a couple remarks that ultimately led me to come on here and ask advice. This might seem really stupid, but the other day, S was driving my bf to work so he wouldn’t be late, and S texted to ask if I wanted any food while he was out. He’s never done that before, and I wasn’t in the car so idk if my bf told S to ask me that, but it was really out of character for him. A couple days ago, the conversation somehow turned to my relationship with S’s brother, and S said I was a lot more mature than my bf. I mean he’s not wrong, but I don’t know why he said that. It gave nothing to the conversation, and it was just completely out of the blue. Because I went from literally never seeing S to talking to him more, that could just be throwing me off but idk, it’s just been on my mind. (I have not told my bf because if I’m way off I don’t want anything to become awkward.)

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