How do you deal with not fitting in?

  1. Keep living my life how I want to and try to ignore others who say otherwise. Eventually you’ll find the right people to vibe with

  2. It depends! Where do you feel like you’re not fitting in? If it is with your current group friend, you find other friends. If it is at your job, or in general at a place you cannot change / can’t change the people you are interacting with, you just have to stay polite and in good terms with others, but you don’t need to fit in. If you feel like that with the world in general, you have to figure out yourself more. And explore your options more, and eventually you will find a place to fit in. Just keep your eyes and your mind open

  3. This is a super vague question, but honestly I just don’t mind not fitting in anymore. I got used to being stared at a while ago, so now I just stare back and it really unsettles people. It amuses me more often than not.

    I’m a chunky tattooed woman with bright, artificially ginger hair and parts of my head shaved. Some days I wear very eye catching outfits. My go to statement is, “if you don’t like it, then don’t look at me.”

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